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Forty years ago, ABC of Michigan was present when former Gov. William Milliken signed the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA) Act. The act brought MIOSHA from federal to state control and has served our state, our workers, and the construction industry very well. 

Today, ABC continues to support working collaboratively with MIOSHA for the good of our workforce and industry. Our workers' compensation safety approach and ABC programs like Safety, Training, and Evaluation Process (STEP) are at the forefront of the industry's safety techniques.

ABC in Michigan and MIOSHA have once again joined together in an alliance that is designed to allow the free flow of information between the agency and ABC contractors in order to ensure that workers return safely back at home at the end of every workday. The alliance includes:
  • Providing statewide training and education activities and encouraging member participation
  • Sponsoring seminars with MIOSHA's Consultation Education and Training (CET) Division
  • Promoting workplace safety and health by including information on the alliance, the seminars, and other safety and health issues in communications with members
For more information on ABC's safety training programs, contact your local chapter. For more information on MIOSHA regulations or training, contact MIOSHA.

MIOSHA Key Contacts

Consultation and Education Division

P | (517) 322-1809
Web | www.michigan.gov/cetrca

Training Institute
Web | www.mi.gov/mioshatraining

MIOSHA Email Signup
Web | www.mi.gov/mioshaupdates